As you would know, I am a professional netball player as well as an extremely active individual. I love working with people who have a passion for a healthy lifestyle and moving their body, which means you don't have to be an athlete to work with me. However, I am able to use my past and current experiences in the elite athlete environment to have a more specific approach around fueling as an athlete or highly active individual.
My major passion points are;
Helping to fuel for your training e.g pre and post workout meals (any sport)
Helping to fuel for everyday life
Learning about the food groups
Learning how to balance your plate/meal
Netball specific
How to fuel for a netball game e.g. timings of when to eat, what to eat, how much to eat
What to eat in between sessions e.g. in between court and gym
How to fuel for a day of netball e.g. netball carnival, trial days/round robins, Saturday netball games
Netball coaching:
As well as loving talking and teaching all things nutrition, I also love coaching. Contact me below to book a one on one, group, or team session, OR you can book a session where I coach, talk nutrition and do signings.
Initial/deep dive consultation
Price: $110/60 minutes
This price can include 2 sessions dependent on the discussion and individualised plan
In this initial consultation we will dive into your current goals, symptoms, lifestyle (hobbies), work/school status, medical and family history, environment etc. Basically get to know each other and work out how I can help, and what the next steps are going to be. We will discuss all things diet and assess for any macro or micronutrient deficiencies that may be occuring.
I may request a food and exercise diary be done for me to further assess your nutrition.
Follow up/check in consultation
Price: $70/45 minutes
This follow up will be a check in with how you are tracking and a discussion around your food and exercise plan. We can address any issues and new symptoms, as well as developing or adding on to your progress plan. These follow ups can happen multiple times until you are happy with your progress and plan.
Talks/Presentations (zoom available)
Price range: $300/hour
I have a passion for delivering nutrition education for young kids, teenagers or adults. My in talk presentations can be customised or tailored to suit any needs for any age.
Available for schools, netball clubs/teams, workplace environments etc
Coaching sessions
For my coaching sessions I have a passion to teach and train defence with specific input for GK and GD. However, I also can teach and train general full court defence, as well as footwork and fitness.
1 on 1: $115/hour
Small group (up to 4): $200/hour
Team session (up to 12): $350/hour
WHOLE PACKAGE DEAL: $350 (times can be negotiated which would also include price negotiation)
40 minute Defence specialist session (can tailor to needs)
20 minute nutrition session (could include performance snacks, pre/post workout, carnival snacks etc)
15 minute question and signings